Are you excited to step into clinical rotations in medical school?

Yes, the day has arrived to join clinical rotations, and finally, you can put your medical skills and knowledge to test.

During the clinical rotation, some students get the opportunity to choose one or two electives in the third year at medical school. However, the electives you choose during your clinical years can have an impact on your career. For this reason, you must make a mindful decision while choosing the right electives. Here are the helpful tips you can use when choosing electives. 

How to choose the right electives during your clinical rotation?

Choosing electives during the third year - Does your medical school offer an opportunity to select an elective during the third year? If yes, that’s excellent! So, to choose the right elective, you should always pick an area you’re interested in, or you want to pursue your career in. 

Pick an elective that aligns with your future career - It is a good idea to pick an elective that is related to the field you’re considering to pursue your career in. This will help you polish your skills and get tons of recommendations.

Pick something that interests you - Although it is valuable to gain experience in your career field, it is always beneficial to learn something new. For instance, if you’re considering to pursue a career as a dermatologist, learning about emergency medicine is still valuable for you.

Fun is important - One of the most important parts of choosing an elective as a medical student is to pick something that is fun to learn.

Lastly, if you have already started your clinical rotation journey or going to enter into the new phase of clinical rotation, do consider these tips while choosing electives. Always remember that choosing electives is very important and helpful for your medical future.


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