What to expect in USMLE Step 2 CS Exam in 2019?

The summer is almost about to end and fall is just around the corner. This means the year will end before you know it. If you’re preparing yourself to write USMLE Step 2 CS Exam in 2019 and 2020, we have compiled everything, from USMLE updates to exam tips, and ways to improve your empathy and communication that you may need to ace the exam. Whether you are an American medical student or international medical graduate, it is important to pass the USMLE Step 2 CS Exam if you want to practice medicine in the United States. 

Here are some of the things you can expect from the USMLE Step 2 CS Exam in 2019.

Updates on USMLE policy and scoring - If you’re someone who doesn’t regularly check the official USMLE website for latest updates, don’t worry, we’ve got your back. This year the USMLE Managing Committee has brought changes to the scoring system on the Step 2 CS Exam. This means you can expect the exam to be slightly more difficult to crack. The Committee also decided to increase the minimum passing requirements for all three components of Step 2 CS. Hence, you need to prepare yourself better than ever before. 
Tips and suggestions for writing USMLE Step 2 CS Exam - Since the Step 2 CS consists of multiple encounters with Standardized Patients and each representing different types of symptoms. Therefore, every medical student is required to diagnose each Patient and correctly record the signs in the patient, not within the allotted time. Step 2 CS is difficult. For this reason, we ask students to take time to relax before each encounter. This will help candidates to have a clear mind while walking through the door. 

Another important thing, passing the Step 2 CS Exam isn’t limited to getting the correct diagnosis. It also involves the ability to connect with a patient and build a strong relationship. Although it might look like a difficult thing to do in just 15 minutes encounter, believe it or not, this much time is enough if you start your conversation correctly. One of the important things that most medical students learn is to “invest in the beginning.” This means, if you invest time in connecting and listening to your patients at the beginning of the encounter, you can easily build a strong relationship with your patient. Hence, you can save a lot of time later. 
Lastly, you should never neglect the patient note. Often, we spend a lot of time studying cases and physical exam techniques, but usually, your score depends on your patient’s note.

Sources of useful study materials and read - You must stay abreast with the latest articles and literature related to USMLE Step 2 CS Exam. Here are some of the sources of information about medical and the Step 2 CS Exam. 

These are some of the important things you can expect in your USMLE Step 2 CS Exam. With the right preparation, and skills and knowledge, you can definitely crack the Step 2 CS Exam. 


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