How to Prepare for Your Clinical Rotations?

At a lot of clinical rotations in medical school, clinical training begins in the third year. Thus, this is an exciting time as it represents the next phase of your medical training. Nevertheless, it is often incredibly stressful and high-pressure time as it indicates a huge change from your preclinical work with various roles, expectations, and responsibilities.

Below mentioned are some things to think about as you prepare to embark on your clinical clerkships.

  • Clear doubts: Clinical rotations is not a joke. Take it seriously. There are times when students who are preparing for the rotations are afraid to ask their mentors as to why they have opted for the specific treatment or medicine for patients seeking treatment. But it is essential to do so. Clearing your doubts helps you to excel in the field and is also a good way to show that you are paying attention.
  • It is not about big or small: There are a number of tasks you need to fulfill during your clinical rotations. You need to understand that completing tasks where you need to put both your time and effort opens doors to a lot of thrilling tasks for the future. Your mentor will possibly give you more work and ask you to take part in other activities in case they are aware of the fact that you are willing to help.
  • Say NO to Smartphones: Well, it is the 21st century and all of us have smartphones. And for a matter of fact who does not like to stay updated? We all do, right? But one important thing you need to keep in mind is that during your clinical rotations medical school using too much of smartphones or other equipment can leave a negative impact. There are so many students who make use of tablets or smartphones rather than notepads. With that being said, it makes it difficult for the teacher to understand whether you are busy using the phone or making notes.
  • Feedback is a must: Every day is a new day. We learn new things and make various notes. Thus, asking your teacher for feedback makes it easy for you to identify areas that need some improvement. You do not want to complete the rotation and then find out that you could have worked hard or improved.

Summing Up: Getting yourself enrolled in a reputed medical residency training in New York can provide you with a lot of opportunities in the future. Make sure the institute offers you the best platform for learning.


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