What are the necessary tips and tricks for USMLE step 2 CS?

Do you find preparation for USMLE Step 2 CS Exam to be intimidating? But you, of course, have to take the exam to build a career in the medical field. The fact is if you consistently practice enough and develop a routine to understand all the nitty-gritty of the subjects, you’ll definitely find preparing for the exam less daunting. The two major things that you need to consider to prepare for the USMLE Step 2 CS Exam are time management skills and writing the patient’s note. For this, you need to make sure that you practice writing the patient note for day one and that too as quickly as possible.  

Another thing that you need to keep in mind is to go through the entire case and write the patient’s note and follow them according to the guidelines and tips. The majority of your preparation should be focused on the scenario outlined below. By the time your test day comes around, you will be more than ready for the exam.

Minute 0: At the doorway
  • Each examinee is positioned in front of the door to an examination room.
  • Have your clipboard and pen ready.
  • You will hear this announcement inside the examination room: “SPs, please prepare,” which lets you know that the encounter is about to begin.
  • Relax and take a deep breath!
  Minute 1: Preparation and introduction
  • Slide open the panel to reveal the doorway information.
  • Before you enter the examination room, read the doorway information and the expected tasks carefully.
  • Quickly note and assess name, age, vitals, and chief complaint. 
  • Write down mnemonics for the patient history.
  • Take a few seconds to note the most important differentials. 
  • Knock on the door and enter (even if you do not hear a response from within the room)
Minutes 2–6: The patient history
Begin taking the history of present illness, review of systems, and past medical history.
Begin with open-ended questions.
Listen actively and maintain eye contact.
Make sure the patient is comfortable and address any discomfort/aggressive attitudes. 
Use professional and clear language. Avoid medical jargon.
Only ask relevant questions. You will not be able to take a complete history.
Follow your mnemonics to make sure you do not forget important questions, but skip any mnemonic questions that are less relevant for the present case.

These are the following things that you must cultivate when getting yourself prepared for USMLE Step 2 CS.  


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